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Preparing the Product Catalog

Let's create a new product catalog from scratch. Our made-up E-commerce store sells colorful bags. Start by creating a new folder for the product images and add it to the Jupyter Notebook:

Jupyter Notebook
image_path = "data/bags"

Next, go ahead and find images for your products. Here are the 7 bags we'll use for the walkthrough:

Our products

Now, let's go ahead and add the path and a description for each bag:

Jupyter Notebook
image_paths = ["1.png", "2.png", "3.png", "4.png", "5.png", "6.png", "7.png"]
descriptions = ["Red bag", "Brown bag", "Blue bag", "Pink bag", "Mint bag", "Salmon bag", "Black bag"]

The next step is to add all the product data to a Pandas DataFrame:

Jupyter Notebook
# Generate a unique UUID for each product
ids = [str(uuid.uuid4()) for _ in range(len(image_paths))]

# Create a DataFrame with columns for ID, image, and vector
df = pd.DataFrame({'ID': ids, 'image': image_paths, 'description': descriptions})

The df output should look something like this:

DataFrame output

Now that we have a DataFrame with our products, let's create embeddings for each bag in the next step.